Trieste is one of Italy’s coffee capitals and uses its own vocabulary you should be familiar with when ordering an espresso…
A nero is the traditional espresso in a small cup; a gocciato or goccia an espresso with a drop of milk in the centre, a goccia in b (b stands for bicchiere) the same espresso served in a small glas; a capo is an espresso with hot milk and topped with foam in a small cup; a capo in b the same espresso served in a small glass (very popular with the triestini); a capo in b tanta is an espresso served in a glass with hot milk and lots of foam; a capo in b tanta special the same, but topped with some cocoa powder; a caffelatte instead is what is known as a cappuccino anywhere else (served in a big cup); deca means decaffeinated and can be combined with any other kind of coffee: a decaffeinated espresso is a nero deca; a decaffeinated espresso with hot milk and foam a capo deca and so on… und last but not least the cbs – capo in b senza schiuma – an espresso with hot milk, served in a glas, but with no foam.